Stamp Ministry
Please join us as we collect canceled stamps for the Alliance Stamp Ministry in Fort Myers, Florida. The income from the sale of these stamps supports the preparation, publication, and distribution of a Spanish language curriculum for Sunday Schools.
If you would like to donate, please follow these guidelines:
-Stamps should be cut off, leaving a 1/4 inch edge around the stamps.
-Flag and Bell stamps should not be saved.
-Postcards are welcome. Please save the whole card. Do not just send the stamp. Cutting the stamp off postcards makes them lose their value.
-Old Stamps in albums and foreign and commemorative stamps are especially welcome.
Contact Evangelism Deacon Roger Spurgin with any questions.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Westminster has a dedicated group of talented knitters who share their gift with all those who need the love and warmth of a prayer shawl created with love and delivered with powerful prayer already begun.
Do you have a love of knitting to share with this ministry?
Please get in touch with us. Contact the church office.